Fonts that Burn My Eyeballs

October 21, 2007

Somewhat recently, I saw that a friend was insulted by random commenter for using a particular font in their blog. They don’t know it, but their little exchange of words is my fault. You see, I’m an design major and aspiring graphic artist. I took a semester long typography class in college, and I loved it (I KNOW I’m a dork), and I even worked as a full time typesetter for a sign company for awhile. In other words, I know an embarrassing amount about fonts. Anyway, the point is, is that I want to be the friend who will tell you that you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe, before everyone else sees it. So in that spirit:

Meisha’s Guide to Fonts that Make Me Vomit


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Papyrus is WAY overused. While it’s more acceptable if it’s used ONLY in titles or headers, it is a bonafide sin to use it in text. The problem with the font is that it is really hard to read, even if it’s big. Also, it looks like it’s anorexic.

If you need to use a decorative font that looks chipped or antique opt for something more like these.


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Comic Sans may be the most hated font by designers in the world. In fact, there is a whole website devoted to banning comic sans. The problem with it is that it is severely over used and misused. Often people will use it for something that is supposed to be taken seriously when it’s meant to look like something that would be used in a comic strip. Even for use in a comic strip, it’s still one of the uglier choices.
If you need a font for a comic strip, or just something that looks “friendly”, try one of these.


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Hobo isn’t as widely used as Papyrus or Comic Sans, but it’s on the list because it’s so ugly. I think it was based off fonts from either the sixties or the twenties, but to me, it looks like helvetica in a clown suit.

If you feel the urge to use Hobo in something that needs a retro font, try one of these instead.


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Brushscript became popular back when it was one of the more unique looking fonts that came with your PC. It looks like something that belongs across a sports jersey, and therefore has very few practical uses. Also, people tend to use it when they really need a fancy looking font. However, the worst offense by far, is when people type it in an all caps, thus rendering it almost impossible to read.

Here is a site that shows examples of nice “brush scripts”.


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I’ll admit it, when I first saw Curlz, I thought it was cute. However after awhile, looking at too many words typed in Curlz is like eating pink cotton candy for every meal. It’s sickeningly sweet and hard on the eyes. Try to keep Curlz to a minimum. Maybe only in headers that say things like “It’s A Girl” or “I Love Cotton Candy”. (The same goes for fonts like these, too.)

While there are many brilliant designers out there that know more about typography than me, I understand that most people don’t know anything about it. That’s OK, everyone has their own interests and hobbies, and I don’t mean for this post to offend or embarrass (really! Please don’t be offended!). My wardrobe is a fashionista’s nightmare, and anyone who is a dance major might die on the spot if they saw me dance. (This list could go on longer, but you get the idea.)
What fonts do you like and dislike? (Go ahead and share, even if one of your favorites is one of the ones listed above.)

In your area of expertise, what are some pet peeves you have that the rest of us do?

12 Responses to “Fonts that Burn My Eyeballs”

  1. Summer said

    Are you meaning me? I had someone tell me that the papyrus on my blog was “sick”. I wasn’t really offended, just confused, as I think Papyrus looks fine and in the browser I was using it didn’t show up. When I tried a different browser it had quite a bit more papyrus. I guess certain fonts show up in certain browsers.
    Anyway, I agree that papyrus is good sparingly and in titles. And comic sans is one I definitely see too much of, just like you said, in serious contexts when it looks goofy.

  2. Meisha said

    Yeah, I was talking about the “sick” comment. 🙂 I’m glad it didn’t offend you.
    I’ve noticed that in Safari and I think Firefox that your blog uses a sans serif font for the titles, and I think in Explorer it uses Papyrus. Browsers are weird like that.

  3. Cristy said

    Hi! Decided to stop by off of Summers blog. I can see you’ve just started this blog thing… as a graphic designer, my guess is you’ll love it! As for this post, I totally agree with you! I’m a filmmaker/photographer, and had to take several design classes in my education, and am CONSTANTLY bothered by fonts! I totally agree with all your rants! My biggest pet peeve in the blog world are people who constantly change the color of their font mid blog…

  4. mckenna said

    I’m a graphic designer and I completely agree with you on all accounts, especially Curlz, and would also add Monotype Corsiva to the list, only because it’s comes standard on all PCs and people think it looks custom and fancy. It’s the new BrushScript, I think… and everyone at church overuses it 🙂

    I really enjoyed this post!!! PS… do you remember me?? Summer just found me a couple weeks ago and I’ve been loving her blog and am now excited to read up on you and Loni… you might not remember me, because I moved out right around the time you moved in to the old Orem neighborhood. Plus I was a confused, introverted 12-13ish year old and easily forgettable, but I ran around a lot with Allison H.

  5. Dapoppins said

    I think curls is cute. Every ten year old should use it in their Thank You notes to Grandma.

  6. Deb said

    As an ex-ad chick, I couldn’t agree more. I won’t even start on my list. It’s too long, and I like making lists way too much.

  7. kymburleev said

    I just read through your whole front page and chose to comment on this one – so many giggles! Fonts are my current nemesis. I must confess to a brief dalliance with Papyrus, but I’m a Maiandra girl now. =P

  8. Brenda said

    Die Papyrus, Die!!

  9. I’m a designer as well. I did 8 years in newspaper industry where you have to do 100s of advertisements a week at all different sizes, black/white print and still make them look totally different. My personal opinion is that Papyrus is horrible and so is Comic Sans. This article is absolutely correct to a point. Those are “ONLY” good if it fits the context in which it is used. Meaning: kiddie, cutesy, have to have a font that represents such. But just using the font because you like it isn’t good. I’ll admit I used Papyrus “YEARS” ago because I “DIDN’T KNOW BETTER”. Thank God I do now. With the billions of fonts that are available now, there’s a font for every mood, style, feel, target market and overall image. And ALOT of them resemble each other as well.

  10. CHRIS said

    I NEED HELP!!! I’m looking for a trained eye to identify the font in this sign (we’re trying to reproduce it exactly.) I realize it’s kinda “Papyrus-ish” – but that’s our task – any help or direction would be appreciated, thank you!

  11. nithrandur said

    Papyrus has a very ugly U, S… and many other glyphs.

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